Yueju Opera online performance hits high note

Xu Wei
Virtual settings created by digital technology are being used in Shanghai Yueju Opera House's online performances.
Xu Wei

Virtual settings created by digital technology were incorporated into Shanghai Yueju Opera House’s latest live online concert on Friday.

Part of the troupe’s series of “cloud theater,” the concert was aired on the Cultural Shanghai Cloud, Douyin, Youku and iXigua.

Virtual settings of classical Chinese gardens were created with digital technology. The visuals were designed specifically to appeal to young people.

The concerts feature the troupe's young performers, who will perform excerpts from diverse plays including “Chasing the Fish,” “Family” and “Romance of the Western Chamber.”

In addition to Yueju Opera singing, they also showcased their versatility in crosstalk, magic and traditional Chinese instruments.

Recent online shows have received positive feedback from viewers. 

The public-interest concerts also included special sections for the audience to interact with artists.

Yueju Opera online performance hits high note
Ti Gong

A member of the troupe performs a martial arts demonstration in front of a green screen.

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