Shanghai's flu infection peak trending downwards, experts say
The peak of this round of flu infections in Shanghai is trending downwards, as the number of patients visiting fever clinics has dropped significantly in recent days, even though infections are still high in some of China's northern regions, local medical experts said while urging the elderly and children to stay alert.
The peak won't be completely over until next month in tandem with the rise in temperatures, experts said on Wednesday when CR Pharmaceutical, Roche Pharmaceuticals and Baidu jointly released an online education section to promote awareness and knowledge on flu prevention and control.
"The best measure to deal with flu is vaccination and timely treatment after patients' show flu-like symptoms, especially the elderly and children. Flu shots should be injected every year for the best protection," said Dr Zhou Xin from the respiratory and intensive medicine of Shanghai General Hospital.
"People with weak immunity also can take antiviral medicines as prevention if family members have flu or flu-like symptoms such as fever and overall pain."
Zhou pointed out that this round of flu is mainly type A flu with H1N1 and H3N2 sub-types. "Usually, type A can cause more serious impact than type B," he said.
"There is a need to arouse public awareness about flu, which can also cause serious complications like severe pneumonia and deterioration of people's own underlying diseases. There are death cases each year," Zhou noted. "Unlike COVID-19, there are more children with flu infection than adults. Parents must stay alert and be aware."