Shanghai, Boston Scientific to foster further cooperation

Xu Fang
Shanghai Party Secretary Chen Jining met with Michael Mahoney, the chairman and CEO of Boston Scientific Corporation, and his delegation on Monday.
Xu Fang
Shanghai, Boston Scientific to foster further cooperation

Shanghai Party Secretary Chen Jining talks with Michael Mahoney, the chairman and CEO of Boston Scientific Corporation

Shanghai Party Secretary Chen Jining met with Michael Mahoney, the chairman and CEO of Boston Scientific Corporation, and his delegation on Monday.

Chen introduced Shanghai's modernization and development of the biopharmaceutical industry. He said that the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China had drawn out a magnificent blueprint for China's modernization, bringing important opportunities for market upgrading, industrial upgrading and consumption upgrading.

Biopharmaceuticals are one of the three leading industries actively developed in Shanghai. Shanghai is committed to fostering a first-class commercial environment that is market-oriented, governed by law, and internationalized. The city will establish a regulatory system that is compatible with high-level opening-up policies and provide more targeted policies and more efficient services to help global companies innovate and develop in Shanghai.

Boston Scientific is a leading global company specializing in minimally invasive medical devices. We welcome you to work more closely with Shanghai's rich medical resources, well-established industrial supporting facilities, vibrant scientific innovation and advanced institutional initiatives to increase investment, research and development and production layout in Shanghai, continuously elevate business capabilities, and bring more new products, new technologies, and production processes to Shanghai, incubating and driving the growth of more innovative enterprises, Chen said.

Mahoney introduced the company's business development in Shanghai and its future development plans. He said that the company has made remarkable progress in Shanghai and has not changed its commitment to the Chinese market, maintaining great confidence in China's future development.

The company will continue to increase investment efforts, put more emphasis on research and development, training, clinical research, and production in Shanghai, deepen practical cooperation with Chinese partners, and make positive contribution to advancing the development of the life and health industry.

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