China's first wide-body jet to use composites extensively, forum told

Yang Jian
China's first homemade wide-body aircraft, the C929, will use composite materials for more than half of its structure, a senior engineer of its manufacturer COMAC has revealed.
Yang Jian
China's first wide-body jet to use composites extensively, forum told
Ti Gong

The 9th Annual Aeronautical Materials and Manufacturing Technology International Forum was held in Shanghai's downtown Changning District on Wednesday and Thursday.

China's first homemade wide-body aircraft, the C929, will use composite materials for more than half of its structure, a senior engineer of its developer, the Commercial Aircraft Corp of China (COMAC), revealed at a forum in Shanghai on Wednesday.

Li Dongsheng, chief engineer of composites at COMAC, said that the firm's previous models like the ARJ21 regional jet used about 2 percent composite materials, mainly in the rear and some minor parts.

The C919 single-aisle jet increased this use to about 12 percent, focusing on the tail and the rear section of the fuselage, Li told the 9th Annual Aeronautical Materials and Manufacturing Technology International Forum, which kicked off in Changning District on Wednesday.

"The C929, a twin-aisle long-range jet, marks a significant jump in composite material use," Li said. It will use these materials in over half of its main structure. This approach aligns with competitors like the Airbus 350 and Boeing 787, which also use composites extensively, he added.

The main advantages of composite materials are weight reduction, fatigue resistance, corrosion resistance and better design flexibility, Li pointed out.

The two-day annual forum focused on technological innovation in aviation materials for sustainable development. It attracted over 250 experts from the new materials and aviation sectors.

Xu Qinghong, executive vice president of the Shanghai Society of Aeronautics, highlighted the importance of advanced material technology in aviation, second only to aviation power systems.

He emphasized its role in achieving lighter, longer-lasting aircraft and more efficient engines. This progress is vital for Shanghai's mission to become a global high-end industry hub, Xu said.

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