Beijing reports 56 new local COVID-19 infections

Beijing reported 56 new locally transmitted COVID-19 infections between 3 pm Monday and 3 pm Tuesday.

Beijing reported 56 new locally transmitted COVID-19 infections between 3 pm Monday and 3 pm Tuesday, Pang Xinghuo, deputy head of the Beijing municipal disease prevention and control center, told a press briefing on Tuesday.

Forty-seven cases were detected among people under closed-off management and nine were found through mass screening in communities, Pang said.

The national capital has reported 1,169 locally transmitted infections since April 22. It has classified 17 areas as high-risk for COVID-19 and 29 as medium-risk.

The average age of these patients was 43.5 years. The oldest was 91 years old and the youngest was 28 days old, said Wang Xiao'e, a senior official from the Beijing municipal health commission.

All cases have been sent to Beijing Ditan Hospital or the makeshift hospital located in Xiaotangshan Township for treatment, Wang said, adding that 541 patients had been discharged or released from quarantine as of 3 pm Tuesday.

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