Anniversary of national anthem to be celebrated by Fudan choir

Zhu Ying
To celebrate the 83rd anniversary of the song "March of the Volunteers," Shanghai's Echo Choirs will present a concert featuring classic Chinese songs in August.
Zhu Ying

To celebrate the 83rd anniversary of the song “March of the Volunteers,” the national anthem of China, the Echo Choirs from Fudan University will present a concert featuring an array of classic Chinese songs.

It will include “Graduation Song” composed by Nie Er, “In That Place Wholly Faraway” written by Wang Luobin and arranged by Philip Lawson and internationally popular Chinese folk song “Jasmine Flower.”

Founded in May 2009, the Echo Choirs has published four albums and cooperated with many renowned musicians. In December 2016, it won the championship in the adult group at the 5th A Cappella Choir Competition of Shanghai.

The upcoming concert will be held at the Huangpu Theater where the national anthem was first played on May 24, 1935.

Performance Details

Date: 7:30pm, August 25-26
Tickets: 80-580 yuan
Tel: 6351-2638
Venue: Huangpu Theater
Address: 780 Beijing Rd E.

Anniversary of national anthem to be celebrated by Fudan choir
Ti Gong

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