Old neighborhood upgrade disputes resolved amicably

Zhu Yuting
Disputes generated in the processing of projects to upgrade or renovate old city neighborhoods have been resolved smoothly with the help of mediators from the justice system.
Zhu Yuting

Disputes generated in the processing of projects to upgrade or renovate old neighborhoods in Shanghai have been solved smoothly through the help of justice system mediators, the justice bureau said on Thursday.

In some areas of the city, disputes over popular issues, including equipping old residential complexes with elevators, division of bequests and income distribution of collective assets, have been settled reasonably by mediators from grassroots justice institutions, according to the bureau.

The city's judicial offices have provided on-site legal services to 10,228 units and individuals a total of 29,214 times.

Mediators in Shanghai are always on standby to provide help for residents who have disputes with other people or institutions, the justice bureau said. It is one of the 18 voluntary services provided by the city's justice bureau this year.

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