Charity bazaar links visitors with various initiatives

Hu Min
A charity bazaar was held at the World Expo Museum in Huangpu District over the weekend, attracting many visitors wanting to learn about a variety of charity programs.
Hu Min

A charity bazaar was held at the World Expo Museum in Huangpu District over the weekend, attracting many visitors wanting to learn about a variety of charity programs.

One example is a project known as "Kickoff", which is a Sino-German initiative that brings modern physical education and football training to migrant children in Shanghai schools. Supported by the Shanghai Charity Foundation, it intends to reach 50 schools by the end of this year and 100 schools next year with funds covering football, training facilities and training kits.

Some children attending the bazaar played soccer with the guidance of German coaches at the event.

Another project called "Glory Case" involves renovating containers into dormitories with furniture, air conditioning, toilets and kitchens. After the renovation is completed in Shanghai, the containers will be taken to impoverished mountainous areas in Yunnan Province to be used by teachers there.

The bazaar was hosted by Tencent Charity and on the occasion of "99 Charity Day," which was initiated by Tencent Charity and involves hundreds of charity NGOs, companies and celebrities.

Charity bazaar links visitors with various initiatives
Jiang Xiaowei

A charity bazaar held at the World Expo Museum in Huangpu District over the weekend featured a variety of charity programs.

Charity bazaar links visitors with various initiatives
Jiang Xiaowei
Charity bazaar links visitors with various initiatives
Jiang Xiaowei
Charity bazaar links visitors with various initiatives
Jiang Xiaowei
Charity bazaar links visitors with various initiatives
Jiang Xiaowei

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