Men can avoid drooping feeling with medical help

Cai Wenjun
The prevalence of erectile dysfunction among males in China is about 41 percent, and the incidence is rising with the ageing population.
Cai Wenjun

The prevalence of erectile dysfunction among males in China is about 41 percent, and the incidence is rising with the ageing population.

Globally, ED affects some 150 million men.

And one third of Chinese males suffer premature ejaculation.

Though the dysfunction is prevalent, only 6 percent of the men seek treatment. And nearly half don't go to professionals but consult online or just check the Internet, said officials from the male health caring foundation of the China Primary Health Care Foundation.

The foundation released the nation's first educational pamphlet on male health and couples' happiness on Sunday.

The pamphlet offers professional explanation and guidance on male health and calls for scientific and regular treatment as well as asking for the participation of partners.

"The Healthy China 2030 Plan has vowed to improve Chinese's physical and psychological health and overall life quality,"said Dr Liu Jihong from Tongji Hospital of Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

"A healthy sexual relationship is an important foundation for overall health. The prevalence of chronic disease, prostate disease and mental disorder can cause a dissatisfied sexual life. We want to use this pamphlet to arouse public awareness on male health and help patients to receive timely and proper diagnosis and treatment. We also call for the partner's influence and value in the treatment process and require both to go the doctors," Liu said.

Experts said the participation of a partner can streamline the diagnosis and treatment of male disease.

"The European Society of Sexual Medicine in 2021 said the partner's involvement in ED treatment can boost patient's compliance and improve treatment outcome and help solve the mental problems of both patient and the partner," said Dr Wang Zhong from Shanghai Gongli Hospital.

"Researchers found 94 percent of males with ED or PE can receive satisfactory result after receiving proper treatment in professional hospitals."

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