Doctors issue caution over rapid weight loss

Cai Wenjun
An increasing number of inquiries about rapid weight loss are being fielded by local medics after actress Jia Ling stated she has lost 50 kilograms in a year for a film role.
Cai Wenjun
Doctors issue caution over rapid weight loss

Jia Ling after and before losing 50 kilograms.

An increasing number of inquiries about rapid weight loss are being fielded by local medics after famous comedian and actress Jia Ling stated she has lost 50 kilograms in a year for a film role.

It has even become one of top searches and hot topics online.

However doctors warn that such a rapid and large loss of weight is not healthy, and has potential risks.

Dr Qu Shen, from SinoUnited Health and director of the Shanghai thyroid disease research center, said such promotion may mislead the public.

"Weight loss is a treatment targeting obesity," Qu said. "It is a process, which should be line with the scientific and medical rules. Promotion focusing on a famous star's quick weight loss can cause negative effects to the public."

Doctors issue caution over rapid weight loss
Ti Gong

Dr Qu Shen provides medical consultation to a patient on the correct methods of weight loss.

According to experts, obesity is a chronic metabolic disease, which is closely related with many factors such as genetics, environment and life habits.

Intervention is a comprehensive measure, and weight loss should be gradual.

"Quick weight loss can result in many complications like organ injury, female period disorder and psychological problems," he said.

"We usually suggest the healthy weight loss speed should be 2 to 5 percent of the weight each month and 10 to 25 percent within one year. Under strict supervision and management, the best outcome can be 20 to 30 kilograms a year. Surgery can help people lose 50 kilograms within one year. But such surgery has strict clinical criteria for recipients, and is not suitable for all.

"There are also various weight-loss products on the market. I have encountered patients suffering problems of the thyroid, female periods and heart issues after taking such products blindly.

"Scientific weight loss should be conducted under a doctor's instruction with prescriptions on nutrition, sports, medication and even surgery. Too quick a weight loss is definitely risky. Obesity is a disease and weight loss is a treatment, not a cosmetic method.

"It is wrong to follow celebrities, because only reasonable and scientific weight loss is safe and healthy," he added.

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