Enjoy Women's Day with a chilling difference

Ke Jiayun
Local cabaret and bar The Pearl presents "Detective Mysteries: Women Who Kill," an immersive cabaret performance based on the hit web series "Why Women Kill."
Ke Jiayun

Local cabaret and bar The Pearl will give you a Women's Day with a difference with its "Detective Mysteries: Women Who Kill."

Inspired by the hit web series "Why Women Kill," the new immersive cabaret has been created by artistic duo Ksenia Geddes and Trenton Schneiders.

Come for a night of mystery and memories, where fact blends with fiction, and where you'll get the chance to put on your own detective hat to find out exactly why these women kill.

Date: March 8 and 9 (Door open at 6pm; Show starts at 7pm)

Venue: The Pearl

Address: 471 Zhapu Rd 乍浦路471号

Admission: Pre-sale ticket: 200 yuan

Door sale ticket: 250 yuan

*Tickets do not guarantee seating. Please call 136-2168-8556 for reservations.

Enjoy Women's Day with a chilling difference
Ti Gong

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